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i'll SMILE infront everything to became more ADAMANCY:)

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Thursday, August 12, 2010



It's nearly 6am.
But I still haven't fall onto my lovely bed yet yaa 
coz of darling computer report><
dunwan to go to school dy larr. hahas C=

Not only that,
somemore I'm so starving right now!URGH**
Damn damn damn hungryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy lar weii! ==

I gotta slim down! haha~ 
Baby are you down down down down down?XD

Every girl wanna slim down,
coz they wanna wear lots of pretty shirts n pants mahh~
But,no pain,no gain larr>< 
gotta pay for it.
hehe.I wanna do exercises frequently larr=P

n the most important is
I gotta control my mouth, control my mind,
control my heart, my hands and myself for not eat too much! 
HAHA~ i think is really difficult for me larr weii =,=

See.This why we called as girl lurrr.
Girls can do watever thing to let themselves look more pretty and attractive.
Unfortunately,I'm one of them too. wahahaha XD


I didn't have so much determination to control myself yet arhh><
my diet plan is still running all the time tooo. haha,

Somemore somemore,
I wanna save more money to buy whatever I likey larrr.x)
coz I'm absolutely a shopping maniac!
enjoy enjoy enjoy yaaXD
I always that high whenever think bout SHOPPING

hahas. I ❤ SHOPPING lalalalala^^

Nobody knows what's going to happen on the next seconds.
So,just appreciate everything that you're having now for not regretting the next time. 

This is what I'm doing right now.
I know what I'm doing and what I'm thinking.Please don't ever doubt bout me yaa!x)

I think it's time for me to sleep now.
Or else my dark circles and eye bags will getting more and more serious yarhhh.

 Au revior!
it mean 'goodbye' in French. ;)

:gd nit3z everyone and sweetdreams yohhh

dada ~ C=

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